Our Molluscum Experience Part 1
Hello & welcome to our first Blog post. I have decided that today's post will be about our experience with Molluscum Contagiosum and how the final battle went down. Yes, I sound dramatic, but we beat Molluscum and you can to.
Aubrey, our sweet little 2-year-old acquired her first MC spots in a most unfortunate area- The very top of her poor little bottom in the crack.. I thought perhaps she had some kind of irritation, as we had gone from Huggies nappies to the little rascal nappy pants. It started out as a few little hard topped bumps nestled into her bottom crack at the top. They started multiplying. Fast.
I took Aubrey to our GP. Slung the poor we dot over my knee and showed the doctor. He looked at the spots. He put his glasses on and looked again. He then, got a book out and flicked through the pages. I thought to myself “oh, my god, don’t let this be on of those moments where it’s much worse than you first thought it would be”. He placed the book on the desk and pointed to a column which has a bold title. Molluscum Contaigiosum. “and what is that? “ I asked, “It’s harmless, BUT It is super contagious, likely to spread and there is no cure or treatment’. He replied.
I stared at him for a moment and then laughed- naturally.
Just to be sure I understood, he looked at me and said sternly ” Let it run its course Jess… “he was serious…NO CURE OR TREATMENT!?
My doctor knows his stuff. He diagnosed my Meningitis & Septicemia when I was 13, My sisters, rare auto immune disease and is well known for picking em. Alas.. I still went home and googled just to be sure he still knew what he was on about. I should not have done this because the search results were- TERRIFYING.
As promised our MC spots spread and spread and spread. They spread onto her bottom cheeks, around to the front, her stomach, her legs, her neck and finally- Her face. They were unsightly, but luckily for us created no real issues such as itching or pain. But they were everywhere. I was starting to feel so worried and stressed for Aubrey. They were now on her face. It was time to sort this virus out! I began researching and then dreaming about the virus- it sucked.
Molluscum Contagiosum facts that stuck with me:
- Adults pick up this virus as well. I advise not to google MC in adults. Its graphic.
- It spreads like wildfire in Kindy’s and pools if they do not clean and sanitize properly.
- MC is a member of the POX virus! WHAT?
- The core is hard and waxy- it contains the virus!
- They have a cycle and each cycle they turn red and trick you into thinking you have it on the run.
- There is usually a “mother ship spot” ..somewhere- its nearly almost always the last to go.
- Not many will admit to having the virus in their household.
- Squeezing and popping is traumatizing (for the popper and sufferer) and should be avoided at all cost.
- Once we applied Molluscum Clear and Aubrey’s immune system kicked in- It happened alllll at once and quickly!
- The virus is undetectable by the immune system until the body is alerted to it.
- The virus lives in the top layer of the epidermis- and does not circulate in the blood stream. It spreads via direct contact or fomites. Perhaps this is why is can go undetected by our immune system for so long.
- Once the lesions are gone you no longer shed the virus.
- Incubation is 2-8 weeks! Therefore, it may be hard to track where your child may have picked it up from.
- It will no spread to palms of hands and soles of feet
To Be continued…